

I am serving a mission as a sister missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for a period of 18 months. I am serving in the Spain Barcelona Mission and I am speaking Spanish. I reported to the Madrid Missionary Training Center on May 13th, 2014, and I will return home November of 2015. I love each of you with all my heart and I hope to hear from you throughout this life-changing experience and journey.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Hasta Luego Hospitalet, Bienvenidos a Badalona

Hello everyone! Big news … I got transferred from Hospitalet! When I found out I was leaving, my heart just shattered. It hurts to leave and I am sad. Not only did I leave an area that I have really come to know and love over the past 4 ½ months, but I left one of my new best friends, Hermana Steinfeldt. We hit it off from day one and have just soared these past two transfers together. I love that hermana so much, and I will miss her even more. She has taught me way more than I could ever tell her; she is a machine missionary and a truly disciplined disciple of Jesus Christ. I look up to her more than she will ever know! She's the best, and it was really hard saying goodbye to that place and those people, but I know I'll see them soon.

Changes in life give us a good opportunity to reflect and really soak up more of our surroundings than we do on a daily basis. I have never had a more humbling experience in my life than moving to a new city and area, simply doing my job there for a few months, and then leaving and having people say goodbye to me with tear-filled eyes not wanting me to leave simply because they feel I have been an angel to them, wearing a name tag with the name of Jesus Christ on it. It fills me with a tremendous feeling of inadequacy, humility … and gratitude to my Savior, Jesus Christ. It reminds me of what happened when the resurrected Christ went to visit the people in the ancient America and was about to leave, but the people wanted him to stay longer with them.

"3 Therefore, go ye unto your homes, and ponder upon the things which I have said, and ask of the Father, in my name, that ye may understand, and prepare your minds for the morrow, and I come unto you again.

4 But now I go unto the Father, and also to show myself unto the lost tribes of Israel, for they are not lost unto the Father, for he knoweth whither he hath taken them.

5 And it came to pass that when Jesus had thus spoken, he cast his eyes round about again on the multitude, and beheld they were in tears, and did look steadfastly upon him as if they would ask him to tarry a little longer with them." (3 Nephi 17:3-5)

As a 20 year old kid, who am I to deserve that kind of response? Who are we, as 90,000 missionaries worldwide, to deserve such an outpouring of love?  Why does the Lord trust us with this, the most important work in the whole world? We are just kids, but we are God’s kids, and He has called us at this time and to this place … to go, search and find his other children, and bring them back to the fold. I am eternally grateful for every moment I have out here, many of which can't be expressed with words.
I can testify that this is all true … the gospel, this church … all of it. When the gospel is more freely applied in our lives, it will bring us more happiness than anything else we find in life.

Now I have stepped into a completely new chapter of my mission, and I am so excited! Change is always difficult, especially for me because I get so attached, but I always end up loving it! My new companion is Hermana Gutoff. She is from Utah, but her parents are from Argentina! She is just the cutest and reminds me of Gabriela from a High School Musical. She just got out of training, and has been in the mission for about four months! She is so excited about the work and is just like a breath of fresh air, something I definitely wanted and needed at this point in my mission. I really love the ward and the members here; they are so loving and nice. We are kind of starting over with some of the people we had been working with here. We know that there are prepared people out there waiting to hear this life-changing message. We have a friend from Morocco named Mohamed who really is searching for the truth. He has come to church before and has read in the Book of Mormon, and he just needs to receive an answer to know that it's true. He is going to be praying a lot this week. Please pray for him; I know God is listening, and He wants us to know for ourselves.

I love you all, and thank you for all the love and support you have given me. I am excited and love this work! I hope you all have a great week!


Hermana Vance

Friday, August 21, 2015

It Is Then That He Carries Us

Hola como están? ¿Como va todo? Espero que su verano hace mucho calor como mío, porque de verdad, aquí en España … hace muchísimo calor y es muy húmedo. Estamos muriendo! Pero, es lo que hay. Jaja

Haha, okay, don't worry, I will speak to you all in English. Oh how I just LOVE Hospitalet! The people are amazing. The members, the ward, our friends, the other missionaries … and, of course, my incredible companion, Hermana Steinfeldt. She and I have become the best of friends over these past 3 months, and I have been so blessed to be with her and learn from her every single day. We just have a blast! We definitely find joy in the work and in the journey!

Lunes (20 de Julio): Today for preparation day, we went to a place called Tibidabo! It is a huge cathedral in the mountains that look over all of Barcelona and is breathtaking! Tonight we also had a Family Home Evening with Kati, Kelvin and Joshua, our recent convert. It was fun, and he is really starting to create great friendships! He is just happy.

Miércoles (22 de Julio): Once again this morning I was able to wake up at 5:15am, to catch my flight to the Islands of Palma de Mallorca for intercambios (exchanges). Woohoo! Palma intercambios, with Hermana Fenn and … Hermana Arauco! It was so fun and nice to be able to work with her again. Both of these hermanas are just machines! We did a lot of door knocking! It was quite the experience, haha, I loved it!

Jueves (23 de Julio): We went to visit our friend Kennedy today. He is about 30 years old, and is a fútbol player from Nigeria. He used to live in the Canary Islands and was being taught by missionaries there. He has a lot of questions and is awesome. One question he asked was why everyone knows about the Bible and not as many know about The Book of Mormon. In my opinion, I think it is because the Bible has been around a lot longer. Even though the Book of Mormon contains records that start in the year 600 BC, these scriptures were not brought forth and translated until the 1820´s. That is why we are here. As missionaries, we tell people all about this great news, and give them the opportunity to learn about how much God loves His children.

Remember Dary? We had a lesson with her and Monica, a member in our ward, and she has a baptismal date for the 15th of August! It’s a miracle; keep her in your prayers … I love this lady so much!!

Viernes (24 de Julio): We went to visit Victor this morning. We talked a lot about the Atonement, and Christ. He was so very touched, and then we asked if we could sing a hymn for him. Halfway through the hymn, he was in tears. He said that he felt the Spirit so powerfully and he couldn´t help but be emotional. He knows he needs this, and we are excited for him!

Sábado (25 de Julio): On Saturday mornings we always play sports with our friends and members. It is so fun and wonderful to see people have a great time and create friendships! We also met a man named Luigi today. He said he had heard a lot about the church and that he actually has a lot of family who are members, and he has always had questions about it. We gave him a Book of Mormon, and he was so grateful for it! We will see how that goes …

Domingo (26 de Julio): Jerry came to church! He has a baptismal date for the 8th of August! Pray for him. He is such a sweetheart. We also visited incredible members, Ana and Manuel. We thought they were return missionaries and have been members their whole lives, but we found out that they are recent converts of only a few years! They have amazing testimonies. Manuel shared one of his favorite poems with us, "Footprints in the Sand".

“One night I dreamed a dream.
I dreamed that I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed various different scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to me and one to my Lord.
After the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that at the very lowest and saddest times, along the course of my life, there was only one set of footprints.
This troubled me deeply, so I asked the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,
You'd walk with me. All the time and all the way.
But I noticed that during the hardest, most painful and most troublesome times of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why. Why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me?"
He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you. I would
never, ever, abandon you during your trials or sorrows.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was THEN that I carried you."

This is one of my favorite poems as well … I really love it! The only reason we make it through the trials or problems in our lives is because the Lord is with us and carries us through those times. He is there always; after we have done all that we possibly can, we ask for His help and He lifts us. He is always with us in this crazy and amazing journey called life. He loves us. We are the ones who have to be humble and pray to our Father in Heaven, asking Him to give us an extra hand, and send some help.

Trust in the Lord. Have faith and press on! He knows what He is doing.

With all my heart,

Hermana Vance